

WWE - World Wrestling Entertainment - Trieste

  • Data inizio: 11-11-2006
  • Data fine: 11-11-2006

Ritorna l'appuntamento per gli appassionati del Wrestling.

Ecco la lista degli incontri:

Batista vs. “King” Booker (Queen Sharmell) - World Heavyweight Title Match
Undertaker vs. Mr. Kennedy - Feature Attraction Match - Non-Title Match
Lashley vs. Finlay (Lil Bastard) + William Regal - 2 on 1 Handicap Match
Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero
Paul London vs. KC James vs. The Pit Bulls
Brian Kendrick vs. Idol Stevens (Michelle McCool)
Triple Threat Match for the WWE Tag Title
Matt Hardy vs. MVP
Henry Godwin vs. Gregory Helms
Tatanka vs. Sylvester Terkay (Elijah)
Vito vs. The Miz
Kristal - Layla - Ashley - Michelle McCool - Smackdown Diva Best Body Contest 

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Info web: WWE

Biglietti: Azalea Promotion

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